0013 00
TM 1-1670-260-12&P
(1) Carefully lay the sling eyes for yellow/white sling (2) on the helicopter for easy access during the
shackle assembly hook-up in step g. of the Paragraph.
d. Install two red/white slings (3 and 4), View A, for use as back-up slings as follows:
(1) Position the mid-point of a red/white sling (3) over the forward main rotor blade retention assembly
adjacent to the main rotor mast.
(2) Loop the red/white sling (3) under the forward main rotor yoke assembly (View C).
Ensure that the red/white sling (3 or 4) does not cross
itself at any point.
(3) Bring the red/white sling (3) eyes together, and set aside.
(4) Repeat steps (1) through (3) above for installation of the aft red/white sling (4).
(5) Carefully lay both red/white sling eyes (3 and 4) on the helicopter for easy access during the shackle
assembly hook-up in step g. of this Paragraph.
e. Install OH-58A/C mast wedge assembly (15) in accordance with Figure 1, View A location, and Figure 2, as follows:
UMARK contains two similar mast wedge assemblies for
different helicopters. Refer to WP 0001 00 of this manual
and verify that correct mast wedge assembly is in use.
(1) Open the mast wedge (Figure 2) rubber tube section along the centerline seam and install the rubber
tube section around the main rotor mast near the bottom of the main rotor hub assembly.
Figure 2. OH-58A/C Mast Wedge Assembly
0013 00-6