TM 1-1500-204-23-5
3-18. Rotor Blade Preservation and Storage.
Accomplish the following requirements for rotor blade
preservation and storage:
Condemn, demilitarize, and dispose of locally any
blade which has incurred nonrepairable damage.
Tape all holes in the blade such as bullet damage,
tree damage, or foreign object damage to protect
the interior of the blade from moisture and
Thoroughly remove foreign matter from the entire
exterior surface of blade with mild soap and
Protect blade outboard eroded surfaces with a light
coating of corrosion preventive or primer coating.
Protect blade main bolt hole bushing, drag brace
retention bolt hole bushing, and any exposed bare
metal (i.e., grip and drag pads) with a light coating
of corrosion preventive.
Place barrier material (MIL-B-121, Grade A) shiny
side next to blade at all locations where the blade
will contact the hogs-hair container supports.
Secure blade to shock-mounted support and
secure container lid.
Place properly completed DA Form 2410, Material
condition tag DA Form 1577-2, and any other
blade records in a waterproof bag and insert into
container record tube.
Obliterate old markings from the container which
pertained to the original shipment or to the
original item which it contained. Stencil blade
NSN and serial number on container.
Figure 3-11. Reflector Blade Tracking