*TM 1-1500-204-23-5
Change 3
3-4.21/(3-4.22 blank)
Forward Synchronizing Drive Shaft. The
purpose of the forward synchronizing drive shaft is to
transmit torque from the engine--combining transmis-
sion. It also keeps the forward and aft rotors mechanical-
ly connected and in phase with each other. The shafting
assembly consists of a series of shafts, each of which is
a hollow, dynamically balanced tube. Each shaft is inter-
connected to the other, to the combining transmission on
the aft end, and to the forward rotary--wing drive trans-
mission on the forward end by an adapter and plate
asscmbly. The shaft is mounted and supported by bear-
ings and support assemblies which contain shock
Synchronizing Drive Shaft. The purpose of
the aft synchronizing drive shaft is to transmit torque from
the engine--combining transmission to the aft rotary--
wing drive transmission (Figure 3-3.R). The aft synchro-
nizing drive shaft is similar to and supported in the same
manner as the forward synchronizing drive shaft assem-
bly. The only difference is that the aft synchronizing shaft
assembly contains fewer shaft units and fewer supports.
3-3.R. Synchronizing Drive Shaft.