*TM 1-1500-204-23-5Change 3 3-4.13i. Oil Circulation. Oil is circulated in each trans-mission lubrication system by two separate elements ofthe six--element lubrication pump in the combining trans-mission. Oil flows from the oil tank through the pressurepump, through the filter and relief valve assembly,through the oil cooler, and through the check valve. Thenthe oil flows into the transmission where it is sprayedon thegears and bearings by various jets. Oil is scav-enged from the sump by the scavenge section of the oilpump and returned to the oil tank.j. Engine--Combining Transmission. The combin-ing transmission is a central collection and distributionpoint for the drive system. The combining transmissionis mounted in the lower forward section of the pylon.Torque from the engine transmission is transmitted bythe combi£ng transmission and the forward and aft syn-chronizing drive shafts to the forward and aft rotary--wingdrive transmission. Speed reduction is also attained with-in the combining transmission. The output shaft drivesthe lubricated pump. The three--section oil tank (one sec-tion each for the combining transmission and each en-gine transmission) forms the uppermost portion of thecombining transmission.(1)Oil System Components. The combiningtransmission oil system is a complete and separate oilsystem. The system includes the oil sump, oil tempera-ture transmitter (bulb), oil pump, oil pressure transmitter(transducer), filter and relief valve, bypass valve, trans-mission lubricating jets, check valve, magnetic chip de-tector, oil tank, and oil coolers.NOTEThe reservoir for the oil system is the centersection of the three--section oil tank on thecombining transmission. The three--sectionoil cooler and fan assembly is mounted on thetop section of the transmission.(2)Oil Circulation. Oil is circulated by two sepa-rate elements: one pressure element and one scavengeelement of the six--element oil pump in the combiningtransmission (Figure 3-3.L and 3-3.M). Oil is routed fromthe oil tank through the filter and bypass valve andthrough an external line to the oil cooler. The oil is thenrouted by an external line through a check valve to thetransmission. In the transmission oil is distributedthrough internal passages and jets and is sprayed onbearings and gears. Oil is scavenged from the sumpthrough internal passages by the scavenge element ofthe oil pump. The pump then pumps the oil to the tank.A sight level gage is installed on the forward end of theoil tank.k. ForwardRotary--WingDriveTransmission.Torque is delivered to the forward rotary--wing drivetransmission by the forward synchronizing drive shaftfrom the combining transmission (Figure 3-3.N). The for-ward rotary--wing transmission then changes the direc-tion of torque from a horizontal plane to a vertical plane.This reduces the input shaft speed. The forward rotary--wing transmission transmits the torque through therotary--wing drive shaft (mast) to the rotor bead.(1)Oil System Component. The oil systemserving the forward rotary--wing drive transmission is acomplete, separate system. It is a wet--sump system,which includes the oil temperature transmitter (bulb),screens, oil pressure pump, oil pressure transmitter(transducer), relief valve, pressure filter, magnetic chipdetector, oil cooler, and No.1 flight control pump.(2)Oil Circulation. Oil from the sump flowsthrough the screen to the inlet of the pressure pump. Thepump pressurizes the system and pumps oil through thefilter and cooler and then back to the transmission. Drilledand cored passages in the transmission distribute the oilto lubricators and oil jets The lubricators and jets spraythe oil into the transmission bearings and onto the rotat-ing gears.
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