TM 1-1500-204-23-5
3-4.12 Change 3
Oil System Components. For each engine
transmission there is a complete and separate oil system
(Figure 3-3.K). The oil system is made up of the transmis-
sion sump, transmission lubrication jets, check valve,
electrical chip detector, oil temperature transmitter
(bulb), oil pump, oil pressure transmitter (transducer),
filter and relief valve assembly, oil tank, and oil cooler.
Although the oil systems of the engine transmission and
enginecombining transmission are not interconnected,
oil pressure and circulation for both types of transmis-
sions are provided from a sixelement oil pump mounted
onto and driven by the enginecombining transmission.
3-3.K. Engine Transmission Oil System.
The enginecombining transmission is a threesec-
tion tank that is mounted onto and above the engine
combining transmission: one section for the righthand
engine transmission, one section for the lefthand en-
gine transmission, and one section for the enginecom-
bining transmission. The oil filter and relief valve assem-
bly for each of the engine transmissions and
enginecombining transmission are mounted on the aft
side of the oil tank. The oil cooler for the engine transmis-
sions is mounted on top of the combining transmission.
It receives cooling air from the fan assembly mounted on
top of the combining transmission.