TM 1-1500-204-23-11
4-6. SHELF LIFE. Material which exceeds its shelf
room. In some cases, manufacturers offer extended
life must not be used. Shelf life extensions may be
shelf life when their product is stored at reduced
granted if the material is laboratory tested. Often this
temperatures; consult the manufacturer s technical
is not cost effective or practical for ield units. Contact
data sheets and consider how the material was stored
engineering to determine if material that is beyond
(locally and within the greater supply system) before
its shelf live can be used. DoD databases may have
altering storage temperature and/or shelf life based
data to support extending the shelf life. Shelf life of
on local storage temperature. Avoid storage at high
resins stored at room temperature can be assured
temperature to maximize shelf life. Table 4-2 lists the
by avoiding excessive heat; i.e., store laminating
shelf life for various epoxy adhesives.
resins and paste adhesives in an air conditioned