TB 1--1520--210--20--46
f. Component/Parts in Stock at All Levels (Depot and Others) Including War Reserves. Upon
receipt of this message/TB the material condition tags of all items in all condition codes listed in paragraphs
6 and 7 shall be annotated to read "UH--1--00--ASAM--01, (TB 1--1520--210--20--46), Mandatory Time Report-
ing and Temporary Retirement Life Extension of UH--1 Tail Rotor Blades Not Complied With".
(1) Wholesale Stock. N/A.
(2) Retail Stock. Upon receipt of this message/TB commanders and others maintaining retail
stock at installation level and below shall contact the supported aviation unit to perform the inspection required
g. Components/Parts in Work. (Depot Level and Others) N/A.
Task/Inspection Suspense Date. Within next 15 flight hours/30 days.
3. Reporting Compliance Suspense Date. No later than 4 Nov 1999 IAW paragraph 14.a. of this mes-
Summary of the Problem.
a. Background.
(1) A severe supply shortage of UH--1 tail rotor blades, part number 204--011--702--15, has been
realized. Although resupply contracts are in place, deliveries are not expected to begin until sometime mid--
late first quarter 2000. These deliveries will be too late to prevent aircraft groundings; thus negatively impact-
ing some critical UH--1 missions.
(2) In order to accurately assess the near and long term requirements for tail rotor blades, man-
datory time reporting is required for all tail rotor blades installed or in local supply.
(3) AMCOM engineering has identified a procedure to temporarily extend the retirement life on
tail rotor blades that have reached their 1200 hour retirement life. By performing the initial and recurring in-
spections in paragraph 8 of this message/TB, the retirement life of otherwise serviceable blades can be ex-
tended to 1500 flight hours.
(4) This authorization will expire no later than 11 August 2000; however, early rescinding of this
life extension is highly likely. When this authorization is rescinded, aircraft with tail rotor blades over the pub-
lished 1200 hour retirement life will be immediately grounded; therefore, it is imperative that requisitions are
in place to allow AMCOM to intensively manage this situation.
c. The purpose of this TB is to:
(1) To require mandatory reporting (via DA Form 2410) of the current hours on each tail rotor
blade both in supply and in service.
(2) To identify the inspection (initial and recurring) procedure to be followed to temporarily extend
the retirement life of tail rotor blades from 1200 flight hours to 1500 flight hours.
End Items to be inspected. All UH--1 H/V series aircraft.
Assembly Components to be Inspected. N/A.
Parts to be Inspected.
Blade, rotary rudder