TB 1-1520-210-20-43
c. Aircraft Undergoing Maintenance. Same as paragraph 1.a. Aircraft will not be released until compliance with
this TB has been completed.
d. Aircraft in Transit.
e. Maintenance Trainers (Category A, B, and Others). N/A
f. Component/Parts in Stock at All Levels (Depot and Others) Including War Reserves. Upon receipt of this
TB the material condition tags of all items in all condition codes listed in paragraph 7 shall be annotated to read
"TB 1-1520-210-20-43 (UH-1-99-ASAM-02) T/R Control Tube inspection not complied with."
(1) Material Located in Wholesale Stock. Report receipt of this TB IAW paragraph 14 c.(1). Upon receipt of
this TB all serviceable items (condition codes A, B, C, D, and E) listed in paragraph 7 located in wholesale depot storage
shall be placed in condition code J and tagged with a DD Form 1575/DD Form 1575-1, Suspended Tag/Label-Material.
Do not remove original condition tags. Report compliance with this TB IAW paragraph 14 d.(1).
(2) Material Located in Retail Stock. Reporting receipt of this TB is not required. Upon receipt of this TB
commanders and others maintaining retail stock at installation level and below shall contact the supported aviation unit to
perform the inspection required by paragraph 9 on discrepant material. Disposition of discrepant materiel will be IAW
g. Components/Parts in Work. (Depot Level and Others).
issued until compliance with this TB is complete.
2. Task/lnspection Suspense Date. At next phase inspection or by 30 June 1999, whichever occurs first.
3. Reporting Compliance Suspense Date. No later than 20 Dec 1998 IAW paragraph 14 a of this TB.
4. Summary of the Problem.
a. TB 1-1520-210-20-40 (UH-1-98-ASAM-03) directed a one-time inspection of all UH-1 Tail Rotor Control Tubes
(P/N 204-010-742-9), with the purpose of removing from service those parts manufactured by Master Swaging. This
inspection was to be performed at the next scheduled phase inspection, but no later than 31 December 1998.
b. Several actions are currently underway to expedite delivery of these control tubes. However, supply availability is
not expected to improve significantly until May/June 1999. For this reason, the "not later than" date for those aircraft that
have not yet reached a phase inspection (since TB 1-1520-210-20-40 (UH-1-98-ASAM-03) was issued), can be safely
extended to 30 June 1999. As with original TB 1-1520-210-20-40, if a phase inspection becomes necessary before the 30
June 1999 "not later than" date, this inspection must be accomplished.
c. TB 1-1520-210-20-40 (UH-1-98-ASAM-03) also stated that fatigue testing of several venders continued, and
results of that testing would be provided in a message to be released no later than February 1999. All Tail Rotor Control
Tube testing has been completed, and all of the manufactures listed in the previous message (Cage Codes 58822, 22524,
27604, and 97499) have passed testing. Continued special recording of the specific Tail Rotor Control Tube "CAGE Code
Installed" on the DA Form 2408-15 is no longer required.