TB 1-1520-210-20-38
b. Estimated Time Required.
(1) To Perform Inspection:
(a) Total of 0.5 man-hours using 1 persons.
(b) Total of 0.5 hours downtime for 1 end item.
(2) To Replace Tail Rotor Slider:
(a) Total of 4.0 man-hours using 2 persons.
(b) Total of 2.0 hours downtime for 1 end item.
c. Estimated Cost impact of Stock Fund items to the Field. Total cost per aircraft = .00.
d. TB/MWOs to be Applied prior to or concurrently with this Inspection. N/A.
e. Publications which Require, Change as a Result of this Inspection. The following
publications shall be changed to reflect this TB. A copy of this TB shall be inserted in the appropriate
publication as authority to implement the change until the printed change is received.
(1) TB 1-1500-341-01
(2) TM 55-1520-20-23-1
13. References.
a. Safety of Flight Message UH-1-98-01
c. TB 1-1500-341-01
d. TB 1-1520-210-20-31 (Safety of Flight Message UH-1-96-02)
14. Recording and Reporting Requirements.
a. Reporting Compliance Suspense Date (Aircraft). Upon entering requirements of this TB on DA
Form 2408-13-1 for all subject MDS aircraft, forward a priority message, datafax or E-mail to CDR,
AMCOM, ATTN: AMSAM-SF-A (SOF compliance officer), per AR 95-1. Datafax number is DSN 897-
2111 or (205) 313-2111. E-mail address is <safeadm@redstone.army.mil>. The report will cite this TB,
date of entry in DA Form 2408-13-1, the aircraft mission design series (MDS) and serial numbers of
aircraft in numerical order.
b. Task/inspection Reporting Suspense Date (Aircraft). N/A.
c. Reporting Message Receipt (Spares). N/A.
d. Task/inspection Repotting Suspense Date (Spares). N/A.