TM 55-1500-342-23
4-1. General. Specific weight and balance data is
contained in the -10 operator's manual and the
applicable maintenance manual for each Army aircraft.
Standard forms are used in conjunction with this data to
provide an effective system for weight and balance
control. Information to be inserted on the charts or
forms is applicable only to the individual aircraft, the
serial number of which appears on the various charts
and forms. The weight and balance data and related
forms for aircraft are maintained in accordance with AR
95-3. Entries on DD Form 365, 365-1, 365-2, and 365-3
will be made using a pen, typewriter, or a rubber stamp.
Felt tip pens or grease pencils will not be used. Pencils
may be used on DD Form 365-4. The forms referred to
herein may differ from time to time, but the general
principles behind their use will remain the same.
Weight and balance of aircraft is controlled and
standardized through the use of the following charts and
a. DD Form 365 (Record of Weight and Balance
b. DD Form 365-1 (Chart A Basic Weight Check
List Record).
c. DD Form 365-2 (Form B Aircraft Weight
d. DD Form 365-3 (Chart C Basic Weight and
Balance Record).
e. DD Form 365-4 (Form F Weight and Balance
f. Chart E (Loading Data and Special Weighing
4-2. Responsibility for DD Form 365 Series and
Chart E. Before delivery of an aircraft, the
manufacturer is responsible for inserting all aircraft
identifying data on the various charts and forms. The
manufacturer completes all forms. All DD Form 365
series charts and any other pertinent weight and balance
data relating to an aircraft will be maintained in a
permanent binder for the aircraft. The binder and all
forms contained therein will bear the aircraft designation
and serial number. Any change that affects aircraft
weight and balance will be reflected in these forms.
4-3. Disposition of Weight and Balance Forms.
Weight and balance forms are to be safeguarded and
maintained with the same degree of importance as other
records maintained for each aircraft.
a. The individual weight and balance forms serve
various purposes. Therefore, the retention period of the
forms will vary, as follows:
The DD Form 365 (Record of Weight and
Balance Personnel) is a semi-permanent form. It will be
retained in the aircraft's weight and balance data file
until space for additional entries has been exhausted
and a new replacement form started. At that time, the
replaced form may be destroyed locally.
The DD Form 365-1 (Basic Weight Check
List) and the DD Form 365-3 (Basic Weight and Balance
Record) are permanent forms. These forms will be
retained in the aircraft's weight and balance data file for
the life of the aircraft. As new forms are started
because of exhausting entry space, the new forms will
be stapled to the original form.
The DD Form 365-2 (Aircraft Weighing
Record) is a semi-permanent form. The current
completed form will be retained in the aircraft's weight
and balance data file until the aircraft has been
reweighed, a new form started, computations verified,
and necessary entries made on the DD Form 365-3.
Upon completion of the above, the old DD Form 365-2
may be destroyed locally.
The DD Form 365-4 (Weight and Balance
Clearance Form F) which has been used to compute
standard loads, utilizing the aircraft's current basic
weight, is considered a current work form as long as the
load weights and locations remain current and until the
basic aircraft weight has been recomputed/changed. A
copy of the current form will be retained in the aircraft's
weight and balance data file until the entries require
revision, at which time the old form will be destroyed
locally or marked void.
Change 5 4-1