TM 55-1500-342-23
ahead of the forward limit as prescribed by landing
conditions, but since landing is one of the most critical
phases of flight, the forward cg limit is restricted to avoid
damage to the aircraft structure when landing, and to
insure that sufficient elevator deflection is available at
minimum airspeed. When structural limitations or large
stick forces do not limit the forward cg position, this
point is determined as that cg position at which full up
elevator is required to obtain a high angle of attack for
b. The aft cg limit is the most rearward position at
which the cg can be located for the most critical
maneuver or operation. As the cg moves aft, a less
stable condition occurs which decreases the ability of
the aircraft to right itself after maneuvering or after
disturbances by gusts. The allowable aft cg limit may
also vary with the aircraft gross weight.
2-14. Expressing Center of Gravity. The cg position
is expressed in terms of inches from a known reference