1-1. SCOPE OF MANUAL. This manual contains the operating and maintenance instructions for three models of the
Truck, Ground Handling, used during ground handling and maneuvering of a helicopter equipped with skids. The type of
manual, equipment names and model numbers, and purpose of equipment are described below.
1-1.1. Type of Manual. This is a 13&P Operator's, Aviation Unit, and Aviation Intermediate Maintenance Manual,
including Repair Parts and Special Tools List (RPSTL).
1-1.2. Equipment Names and Model Numbers. Three models of the Ground Handling Wheels Assembly are
described in this manual. The equipment names and model numbers are listed below and shown in Figures 1-1, 1-2, and
1-3 respectively.
Wheels Assembly
Model 204-050-200-5 (Used with OH-58D)
Wheels Assembly
Model 214-706-104-101 (Used with AH-1 or UH-1)
Wheels Assembly
Model 1730-EG-100 (Used with or AH-1 or UH-1)
1-1.3. Purpose of Equipment. The Ground Handling Wheels Assembly is used for ground handling and
maneuvering of helicopters. When attached to each skid of a helicopter, hand operated hydraulic pumps are used to
rotate eccentric axles and lift the helicopter skids off the ground. The helicopter can then be moved and
maneuvered in accordance with ground handling instructions. Model 204-050-200-5 is used for ground handling and
maneuvering of helicopter type OH-58D. Model 214-706-104-101 and Model 1730-EG-100, are used for ground
handling and maneuvering of helicopter types AH-1 and UH1. .
1-2. MAINTENANCE FORMS, RECORDS, AND REPORTS. The Department of the Army forms and procedures
required for equipment maintenance will be those prescribed by DA Pam 738-750, The Army Maintenance
Management System (TAMMS) and DA Pam 738-751, Functional Users Manual for The Army Maintenance
Management System- Aviation (TAMMS-A); or AR 700-138, Army Logistics Readiness and Sustainabllity.
1-3. CORROSION PREVENTION AND CONTROL It is important that any corrosion problems with the Ground
Handling Wheels Assembly be reported so that the problem can be corrected and improvements can be made to
prevent the problem in the future. Corrosion is typically associated with rusting of metals, but can also include
deterioration of other materials, such as rubber and plastic Unusual cracking, softening, swelling, or breaking of
these materials may be corrosion problems. Report corrosion problems using Standard Form 368, Product Quality
Deficiency Report. Use key words such as "corrosion," "rust," "deterioration," or "cracking," to ensure that the information
is identified as a CPC problem. Submit the report to the address specified in DA PAM 738-751.