INTRODUCTIONEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE REPAIR PARTS LIST AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST WORK PACKAGES Maintenance CodeRecoverability CodeDESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC)HOW TO LOCATE REPAIR PARTSPANELS AND DOORS, RIGHT-HAND SIDEFigure 1. Frame and Housing, Panels and Doors, Right-Hand Side.Figure 1. Frame and Housing, Panels and Doors, Right-Hand Side. - ContinuedFigure 1. Frame and Housing, Panels and Doors, Right-Hand Side. - ContinuedPANELS AND DOORS, LEFT-HAND SIDEFigure 1. Panels and Doors, Left-Hand Side.Figure 1. Panels and Doors, Left-Hand Side. - ContinuedFigure 1. Panels and Doors, Left-Hand Side. - ContinuedFRONT PANEL ASSEMBLY, HYDRAULIC MODULEFigure 2. Front Panel Assembly, Hydraulic Module.Figure 2. Front Panel Assembly, Hydraulic Module. - ContinuedFRAME ENCLOSURE ASSEMBLYFigure 3. Frame Enclosure Assembly .Figure 3. Frame Enclosure Assembly . - ContinuedFRAME AND HOUSING - FORKLIFT BEAMS (83-360A)Figure 4. Frame and Housing - Forklift Beams (83-360A) .Figure 4. Frame and Housing - Forklift Beams (83-360A) . - ContinuedFORKLIFT BEAMSFigure 5. Forklift Beams, Right-Hand Side.Figure 5. Forklift Beams, Right-Hand Side. - ContinuedROOF PANEL SUBASSEMBLYFigure 6. Roof Panel Subassembly (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 6. Roof Panel Subassembly (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 6. Roof Panel Subassembly - ContinuedFigure 6. Roof Panel Subassembly - ContinuedDOOR ASSEMBLY, CONTROL PANEL ACCESSFigure 7. Door Assembly, Control Panel Access.Figure 7. Door Assembly, Control Panel Access. - ContinuedGTE ACCESS DOOR ASSEMBLY.Figure 8. GTE Access Door Assembly.Figure 8. GTE Access Door Assembly. - ContinuedELECTRICAL TRAYS ACCESS DOOR ASSEMBLYFigure 9. Electrical Trays Access Door Assembly.Figure 9. Electrical Trays Access Door Assembly. - ContinuedBATTERY ACCESS DOOR ASSEMBLYFigure 10. Battery Access Door Assembly.Figure 10. Battery Access Door Assembly. - ContinuedPNEUMATIC HOSE ACCESS DOOR ASSEMBLYFigure 11. Pneumatic Hose Access Door Assembly.Figure 11. Pneumatic Hose Access Door Assembly. - ContinuedGTE EXHAUST GAS EJECTOR INSTALLATION (83-360A)Figure 12. GTE Exhaust Gas Ejector Installation ( 83-360A) .Figure 12. GTE Exhaust Gas Ejector Installation ( 83-360A) . - ContinuedGTE/EXHAUST EJECTOR INSTALLATION (83-360D AND 83-360E)Figure 13. GTE/Exhaust Ejector Installation ( 83-360D and 83-360E).Figure 13. GTE/Exhaust Ejector Installation ( 83-360D and 83-360E). - ContinuedFigure 13. GTE/Exhaust Ejector Installation ( 83-360D and 83-360E). - ContinuedGTE EXHAUST GAS EJECTOR ASSEMBLY (83-360A)Figure 14. GTE/Exhaust Ejector Assembly ( 83-360A).Figure 14. GTE/Exhaust Ejector Assembly ( 83-360A). - ContinuedGTE/EXHAUST EJECTOR INSTALLATION - TUBINGFigure 15. GTE/Exhaust Ejector Installation - Tubing.Figure 15. GTE/Exhaust Ejector Installation - Tubing. - ContinuedAIR CLEANER ASSEMBLYFigure 16. Air Cleaner Assembly.Figure 16. Air Cleaner Assembly. - ContinuedAIR CLEANER, DUCT INSTALLATIONFigure 17. Air Cleaner, Duct Installation.Figure 17. Air Cleaner, Duct Installation. - ContinuedDUCT, AIR INTAKE ASSEMBLYFigure 18. Duct, Air Intake Assembly .Figure 18. Duct, Air Intake Assembly . - ContinuedGTE/EXHAUST EJECTOR INSTALLATION - GTE MOUNTSFigure 19. GTE/Exhaust Ejector Installation - GTE Mounts.Figure 19. GTE/Exhaust Ejector Installation - GTE Mounts. - ContinuedGTE/EXHAUST EJECTOR INSTALLATION - GENERATOR SUPPORT'Print Preview - C:\Users\ALLISS~1.LEA\AppData\Local\Temp
\.aptcache\TM1-1730-229-24P/tf27kqoe' by allissa.leach - Page 100 of 704Figure 20. GTE/Exhaust Ejector Installation - Generator Support. - ContinuedFRAME AND HOUSING ACOUSTIC INSTALLATIONFigure 21. Frame and Housing Acoustic Insulation.Figure 21. Frame and Housing Acoustic Insulation. - ContinuedELECTRICAL SYSTEM INSTALLATION - POWER SUPPLIESFigure 23. Electrical System Installation-Power Supplies.Figure 23. Electrical System Installation-Power Supplies. - ContinuedFigure 23. Electrical System Installation-Power Supplies. - ContinuedBATTERY BOX ASSEMBLYFigure 22. Battery Box Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 22. Battery Box Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 22. Battery Box Assembly - ContinuedLOWER TRAY ASSEMBLYFigure 23. Lower Tray Assembly.Figure 23. Lower Tray Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 23. Lower Tray Assembly. - ContinuedPWA-A1 DRIVER ASSEMBLYFigure 24. PWA-A1 Driver Assembly.Figure 24. PWA-A1 Driver Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 24. PWA-A1 Driver Assembly. - ContinuedPWA-22 INTERCONNECT ASSEMBLYFigure 25. PWA-22 Interconnect Assembly .Figure 25. PWA-22 Interconnect Assembly - ContinuedPWA-A3 THERM/AMP ASSEMBLYFigure 26. PWA-A3 Therm/Amp Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 26. PWA-A3 Therm/Amp Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 26. PWA-A3 Therm/Amp Assembly - ContinuedFigure 26. PWA-A3 Therm/Amp Assembly - ContinuedPWA-A4 TIMED ACCEL ASSEMBLYFigure 27. PWA-A4 Timed Accel Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 27. PWA-A4 Timed Accel Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 27. PWA-A4 Timed Accel Assembly - ContinuedFigure 27. PWA-A4 Timed Accel Assembly - ContinuedFigure 27. PWA-A4 Timed Accel Assembly - ContinuedPWA-A5 REDUNDANT O/S ASSEMBLYFigure 28. PWA-A5 Redundant O/S Assembly .Figure 28. PWA-A5 Redundant O/S Assembly - ContinuedFigure 28. PWA-A5 Redundant O/S Assembly - ContinuedMAIN WIRING HARNESS ASSEMBLYFigure 29. Main Wiring Harness Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 29. Main Wiring Harness Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 29. Main Wiring Harness Assembly - ContinuedFigure 29. Main Wiring Harness Assembly - ContinuedFigure 29. Main Wiring Harness Assembly - ContinuedPWA-A1 POWER SUPPLY AND LOP ASSEMBLYFigure 30. PWA-A1 Power Supply and LOP Assembly.Figure 30. PWA-A1 Power Supply and LOP Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 30. PWA-A1 Power Supply and LOP Assembly. - ContinuedBATTERY CHARGERFigure 31. Battery Charger.Figure 31. Battery Charger. - ContinuedBASE AND PANELS ASSEMBLYFigure 32. Base and Panels Assembly .Figure 32. Base and Panels Assembly - ContinuedBASE ASSEMBLYFigure 33. Base Assembly (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 33. Base Assembly (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 33. Base Assembly - ContinuedFigure 33. Base Assembly - ContinuedPLATE UNITFigure 34. Plate Unit.Figure 34. Plate Unit. - ContinuedSIDE PANEL ASSEMBLYFigure 35. Side Panel Assembly.Figure 35. Side Panel Assembly - ContinuedCABLE ASSEMBLY TOW WARNINGFigure 36. Cable Assembly Tow Warning .Figure 36. Cable Assembly Tow Warning - ContinuedELECTRONIC CONTROL UNITFigure 37. Electronic Control Unit.Figure 37. Electronic Control Unit. - ContinuedFigure 37. Electronic Control Unit. - ContinuedPWA-A2 N/DC ASSEMBLYFigure 38. PWA-A2 N/DC Assembly.Figure 38. PWA-A2 N/DC Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 38. PWA-A2 N/DC Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 38. PWA-A2 N/DC Assembly. - ContinuedGENERATOR AND ENGINE INSTALLATIONFigure 39. Generator and Engine Installation.Figure 39. Generator and Engine Installation. - ContinuedELECTRICAL SYSTEM INSTALLATION - POWER CONTROLFigure 40. Electrical System Installation-Power Control .Figure 40. Electrical System Installation-Power Control - ContinuedELECTRICAL SYSTEM INSTALLATION - TERMINAL BLOCKSFigure 41. Electrical System Installation-Terminal Blocks - ContinuedFigure 41. Electrical System Installation-Terminal Blocks - ContinuedELECTRICAL BAY SUB-FLOOR ASSEMBLYFigure 42. Electrical Bay Sub-Floor Assembly.Figure 42. Electrical Bay Sub-Floor Assembly. - ContinuedGENERATOR, AC/DCFigure 43. Generator, AC/DC.Figure 43. Generator, AC/DC. - ContinuedGENERATOR, DATA PLATESFigure 44. Generator, Data Plates .Figure 44. Generator, Data Plates - ContinuedGENERATOR COVERSFigure 45. Generator Covers.Figure 45. Generator Covers. - ContinuedGENERATOR SUBASSEMBLYFigure 46. Generator Subassembly (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 46. Generator Subassembly. (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 46. Generator Subassembly. - ContinuedGENERATOR, FAN ASSEMBLYFigure 47. Generator, Fan AssemblyFigure 47. Generator, Fan Assembly - ContinuedGENERATOR CONTROL UNITFigure 48. Generator Control Unit Figure 48. Generator Control Unit - ContinuedGENERATOR, RECTIFIER HOUSINGFigure 49. Generator, Rectifier Housing.Figure 49. Generator, Rectifier Housing - ContinuedGENERATOR, RECTIFIER HOUSING, INTERNAL COMPONENTSFigure 50. Generator, Rectifier Housing, Internal Components.Figure 50. Generator, Rectifier Housing, Internal Components. - ContinuedGENERATOR, CONTROLFigure 51. Generator, Control.Figure 51. Generator, Control. - ContinuedPRINTED WIRING BOARD V3461, UPPER SURFACEFigure 52. Printed Wiring Board V3461, Upper Surface (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 52. Printed Wiring Board V3461, Upper Surface (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 52. Printed Wiring Board V3461, Upper Surface - ContinuedPRINTED WIRING BOARD V3461, LOWER SURFACEFigure 53. Printed Wiring Board V3461, Lower Surface (Sheet 1 of 3).Figure 53. Printed Wiring Board V3461, Lower Surface (Sheet 2 of 3).Figure 53. Printed Wiring Board V3461, Lower Surface (Sheet 3 of 3).Figure 53. Printed Wiring Board V3461, Lower Surface - ContinuedFigure 53. Printed Wiring Board V3461, Lower Surface - ContinuedPRINTED WIRING BOARD V3465, UPPER SURFACEFigure 54. Printed Wiring Board V3465, Upper Surface (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 54. Printed Wiring Board V3465, Upper Surface (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 54. Printed Wiring Board V3465, Upper Surface - ContinuedPRINTED WIRING BOARD V3465, LOWER SURFACEFigure 55. Printed Wiring Board V3465, Lower Surface (Sheet 1 of 3).Figure 55. Printed Wiring Board V3465, Lower Surface (Sheet 2 of 3).Figure 55. Printed Wiring Board V3465, Lower Surface (Sheet 3 of 3).Figure 55. Printed Wiring Board V3465, Lower Surface - ContinuedFigure 55. Printed Wiring Board V3465, Lower Surface - ContinuedPOWER DISTRIBUTION PANELFigure 56. Base Panel Assembly.Figure 56. Base Panel Assembly. - ContinuedTRANSFORMER RECTIFIER UNIT (TRU) INSTALLATION, 83-360DFigure 57. Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU) Installation, 83-360D.Figure 57. Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU) Installation, 83-360D. - ContinuedTRANSFORMER RECTIFIER UNIT (TRU) HARNESS ASSEMBLY, 83-360DFigure 58. Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU) Harness Assembly.Figure 58. Transformer Rectifier Unit (TRU) Harness Assembly. - ContinuedCURRENT TRANSFORMER INSTALLATIONFigure 59. Current Transformer Installation .Figure 59. Current Transformer Installation - ContinuedELECTRICAL SYSTEM INSTALLATION - CABLE INSTALLATIONFigure 60. Electrical System Installation - Cable Installation (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 60. Electrical System Installation - Cable Installation. (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 60. Electrical System Installation - Cable Installation. - ContinuedELECTRICAL SYSTEM INSTALLATION - CABLE ASSEMBLIESFigure 61. Electrical System Installation - Cable Assemblies.Figure 61. Electrical System Installation - Cable Assemblies. - ContinuedELECTRICAL SYSTEM INSTALLATION - INVERTER INSTALLATIONFigure 62. Electrical System Installation - Inverter Installation.Figure 62. Electrical System Installation - Inverter Installation. - ContinuedFUEL SYSTEM INSTALLATIONFigure 63. Fuel System Installation .Figure 63. Fuel System Installation - ContinuedFigure 63. Fuel System Installation - ContinuedFUEL PUMP AND FILTER INSTALLATIONFigure 64. Fuel Pump and Filter Installation.Figure 64. Fuel Pump and Filter Installation - ContinuedFigure 64. Fuel Pump and Filter Installation - ContinuedFUEL CONTROL UNIT, METERING SECTIONFigure 65. Fuel Control Unit, Metering Section.Figure 65. Fuel Control Unit, Metering Section. - ContinuedFUEL CONTROL UNIT, FILTERING SECTIONFigure 66. Fuel Control Unit, Filtering Section.Figure 66. Fuel Control Unit, Filtering Section. - ContinuedFUEL CONTROL UNIT, CONTROL SECTIONFigure 67. Fuel Control Unit, Control Section.Figure 67. Fuel Control Unit, Control Section. - ContinuedFUEL CONTROL UNIT, PUMPING SECTIONFigure 68. Fuel Control Unit, Pumping Section.Figure 68. Fuel Control Unit, Pumping Section. - ContinuedFUEL FILTER, WATER SEPARATOR (RACOR)Figure 69. Fuel Filter, Water Separator (Racor).Figure 69. Fuel Filter, Water Separator (Racor). - ContinuedFUEL TANK INSTALLATIONFigure 70. Fuel Tank Installation .Figure 70. Fuel Tank Installation - ContinuedPNEUMATIC SYSTEM INSTALLATIONFigure 71. Pneumatic System Installation .Figure 71. Pneumatic System Installation - ContinuedFigure 71. Pneumatic System Installation - ContinuedFigure 71. Pneumatic System Installation - ContinuedCONTROLSFigure 72. Controls.Figure 72. Controls. - ContinuedLOAD CONTROL VALVE, REGULATING SECTIONFigure 73. Load Control Valve, Regulating Section.Figure 73. Load Control Valve, Regulating Section. - ContinuedLOAD CONTROL VALVE, PLUMBING SECTIONFigure 74. Load Control Valve, Plumbing Section.Figure 74. Load Control Valve, Plumbing Section. - ContinuedLOAD CONTROL VALVE, ACTUATING SECTIONFigure 75. Load Control Valve, Actuating Section.Figure 75. Load Control Valve, Actuating Section. - ContinuedLOAD CONTROL VALVE, FLOW SECTIONFigure 76. Load Control Valve, Flow Section.Figure 76. Load Control Valve, Flow Section. - ContinuedDE-ICING KITFigure 77. De-icing Kit.Figure 77. De-icing Kit. - ContinuedLUBRICATION SYSTEM COMPONENTSFigure 78. Lubrication System Components .Figure 78. Lubrication System Components - ContinuedROTARY PUMP ASSEMBLYFigure 79. Rotary Pump Assembly .Figure 79. Rotary Pump Assembly - ContinuedGEARBOX OIL PUMP HOUSING ASSEMBLYFigure 80. Gearbox Oil Pump Housing Assembly.Figure 80. Gearbox Oil Pump Housing Assembly. - ContinuedGEARBOX OIL PRESSURE AND REGULATING SYSTEMFigure 81. Gearbox Oil Pressure and Regulating System.Figure 81. Gearbox Oil Pressure and Regulating System. - ContinuedOIL PRESSURE REGULATING VALVEFigure 82. Oil Pressure Regulating Valve.Figure 82. Oil Pressure Regulating Valve. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC SYSTEMFigure 83. Hydraulic System.Figure 83. Hydraulic System. - ContinuedHYDRAULIC MODULE SUBASSEMBLY - COMPONENT INSTALLATIONFigure 84. Hydraulic Module Subassembly - Component Installation.Figure 84. Hydraulic Module Subassembly - Component Installation. - ContinuedFigure 84. Hydraulic Module Subassembly - Component Installation. - ContinuedELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONFigure 85. Electrical Installation .Figure 85. Electrical Installation - ContinuedFigure 85. Electrical Installation - ContinuedLOW PRESSURE BALANCE OUTLET RELIEF VALVEFigure 86. Low Pressure Balance Outlet Relief Valve.Figure 86. Low Pressure Balance Outlet Relief Valve. - ContinuedRESERVOIR INSTALLATIONFigure 87. Reservoir Installation .Figure 87. Reservoir Installation - ContinuedACCUMULATOR ASSEMBLYFigure 88. Accumulator Assembly .Figure 88. Accumulator Assembly - ContinuedRETURN MANIFOLDFigure 89. Return Manifold.Figure 89. Return Manifold. - ContinuedCONTROL MANIFOLD ASSEMBLYFigure 90. Control Manifold Assembly .Figure 90. Control Manifold Assembly - ContinuedFigure 90. Control Manifold Assembly - ContinuedLOAD SELECTOR VALVEFigure 91. Load Selector Valve.Figure 91. Load Selector Valve. - ContinuedFILTER DRYER ASSEMBLYFigure 92. Filter Dryer Assembly .Figure 92. Filter Dryer Assembly - ContinuedHP FILTER ASSEMBLYFigure 93. HP Filter Assembly.Figure 93. HP Filter Assembly. - ContinuedLP FILTER ASSEMBLYFigure 94. LP Filter Assembly.Figure 94. LP Filter Assembly. - Continued3-WAY, 2-POSITION, NC SOLENOID OPERATED VALVEFigure 95. 3-Way, 2-Position, NC Solenoid Operated Valve.Figure 95. 3-Way, 2-Position, NC Solenoid Operated Valve. - Continued0.5 VARIABLE DISPLACEMENT HYDRAULIC PUMPFigure 96. 0.5 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump (Sheet 1 of 3).Figure 96. 0.5 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump (Sheet 2 of 3).Figure 96. 0.5 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump (Sheet 3 of 3).Figure 96. 0.5 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump - ContinuedFigure 96. 0.5 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump - ContinuedFigure 96. 0.5 Variable Displacement Hydraulic Pump - ContinuedHYDRAULIC MODULE SUBASSEMBLY - PIPING INSTALLATIONFigure 97. Hydraulic Module Subassembly - Piping Installation.Figure 97. Hydraulic Module Subassembly - Piping Installation. - ContinuedFigure 97. Hydraulic Module Subassembly - Piping Installation. - ContinuedADAPTER HOSE ASSEMBLIESFigure 98. Adapter Hose Assemblies .Figure 98. Adapter Hose Assemblies - ContinuedFigure 98. Adapter Hose Assemblies - ContinuedFigure 98. Adapter Hose Assemblies - ContinuedDUAL MANIFOLDFigure 99. Dual Manifold.Figure 99. Dual Manifold. - ContinuedCHINOOK HOSE KITFigure 100. Chinook Hose Kit.Figure 100. Chinook Hose Kit. - ContinuedFigure 100. Chinook Hose Kit. - ContinuedPURGE ADAPTER - INSTALLATIONFigure 101. Purge Adapter - Installation.Figure 101. Purge Adapter - Installation - ContinuedPURGE ADAPTER - ASSEMBLYFigure 102. Purge Adapter - Assembly.Figure 102. Purge Adapter - Assembly. - ContinuedGAS TURBINE ENGINE - NONAIRCRAFTFigure 103. Gas Turbine Engine - Nonaircraft.Figure 103. Gas Turbine Engine - Nonaircraft. - ContinuedBASIC ENGINEFigure 104. Basic Engine.Figure 104. Basic Engine. - ContinuedELECTRICAL ASSEMBLIESFigure 105. Electrical Assemblies .Figure 105. Electrical Assemblies - ContinuedENGINE START ASSEMBLYFigure 106. Engine Start Assembly .Figure 106. Engine Start Assembly - ContinuedFigure 106. Engine Start Assembly - ContinuedGEARBOX ACCESSORY DRIVE HOUSING SET ASSEMBLYFigure 107. Gearbox Accessory Drive Housing Set Assembly.Figure 107. Gearbox Accessory Drive Housing Set Assembly. - ContinuedENGINE PLUMBING AND WIRING HARNESS - MOUNTING PAD ENDFigure 108. Engine Plumbing and GTE Wiring Harness - Mounting Pad End.Figure 108. Engine Plumbing and GTE Wiring Harness - Mounting Pad End. - ContinuedENGINE PLUMBING AND WIRING HARNESS - HOT ENDFigure 109. Engine Plumbing and Wiring Harness - Hot End.Figure 109. Engine Plumbing and Wiring Harness - Hot End. - ContinuedWIRING HARNESS ASSEMBLYFigure 110. Wiring Harness Assembly .Figure 110. Wiring Harness Assembly - ContinuedCOMBUSTION SECTIONFigure 111. Combustion Section.Figure 111. Combustion Section. - ContinuedCOMPRESSOR INLET DUCTSFigure 112. Compressor Inlet Ducts .Figure 112. Compressor Inlet Ducts - ContinuedPOWER SECTION ASSEMBLYFigure 113. Power Section Assembly .Figure 113. Power Section Assembly - ContinuedCOMPRESSOR AND TURBINE ASSEMBLYFigure 114. Compressor and Turbine Assembly.Figure 114. Compressor and Turbine Assembly. - ContinuedROTATING SECTIONFigure 115. Rotating Section.Figure 115. Rotating Section. - ContinuedACCESSORY DRIVE SECTIONFigure 116. Accessory Drive Section .Figure 116. Accessory Drive Section - ContinuedFigure 116. Accessory Drive Section - ContinuedPRESSURE RELIEF VALVE ASSEMBLYFigure 117. Pressure Relief Valve Assembly.Figure 117. Pressure Relief Valve Assembly. - ContinuedGEAR BOX ASSEMBLYFigure 118. Gear Box Assembly.Figure 118. Gear Box Assembly. - ContinuedGEARBOX INPUT DRIVE SECTIONFigure 119. Gearbox Input Drive Section .Figure 119. Gearbox Input Drive Section - ContinuedGEARBOX ACCESSORY DRIVE SECTIONFigure 120. Gear Box Input Drive Section.Figure 120. Gear Box Input Drive Section. - ContinuedCONTROL PANEL INSTALLATION (83-360A)Figure 121. Control Panel Installation (83-360A).Figure 121. Control Panel Installation (83-360A). - ContinuedCONTROL PANEL INSTALLATION (83-360D, 83-360E)Figure 122. Control Panel Installation (83-360D and 83-360E).Figure 122. Control Panel Installation (83-360D and 83-360E). - ContinuedCONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY - INSTRUMENTSFigure 123. Control Panel Assembly - Instruments.Figure 123. Control Panel Assembly - Instruments. - ContinuedCONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY - INDICATOR LAMPSFigure 124. Control Panel Assembly - Indicator Lamps.Figure 124. Control Panel Assembly - Indicator Lamps. - ContinuedCONTROL PANEL HARNESS ASSEMBLYFigure 125. Control Panel Harness Assembly.Figure 125. Control Panel Harness Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 125. Control Panel Harness Assembly. - ContinuedCONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY - HARNESS AND SWITCHESFigure 126. Control Panel Assembly - Harness and Switches.Figure 126. Control Panel Assembly - Harness and Switches. - ContinuedUNDERCARRIAGE INSTALLATIONFigure 127. Undercarriage Installation .Figure 127. Undercarriage Installation - ContinuedFigure 127. Undercarriage Installation - ContinuedFRONT END ASSEMBLYFigure 128. Front End Assembly.Figure 128. Front End Assembly. - ContinuedFigure 128. Front End Assembly. - ContinuedTIE ROD ASSEMBLYFigure 129. Tie Rod Assembly.Figure 129. Tie Rod Assembly. - ContinuedAXLE HUBFigure 130. Axle Hub.Figure 130. Axle Hub. - ContinuedUNDERCARRIAGE INSTALLATION, BRAKE LEVER/CABLE SYSTEMFigure 131. Undercarriage Installation, Brake Lever/Cable System.Figure 131. Undercarriage Installation, Brake Lever/Cable System. - ContinuedRUNNING GEAR, PROPULSION - TRACTION MOTOR AND GEARBOXFigure 132. Running Gear, Propulsion - Traction Motor and Gearbox.Figure 132. Running Gear, Propulsion - Traction Motor and Gearbox. - ContinuedRUNNING GEAR, PROPULSION-TERMINAL BOARDFigure 133. Running Gear, Propulsion - Terminal Board.Figure 133. Running Gear, Propulsion - Terminal Board. - ContinuedRUNNING GEAR, PROPULSION - CLUTCH AND DRIVEFigure 134. Running Gear, Propulsion - Clutch and Drive.Figure 134. Running Gear, Propulsion - Clutch and Drive. - ContinuedRUNNING GEAR, PROPULSION - CLUTCH HANDLE AND DRIVE COVERFigure 135. Running Gear, Propulsion - Clutch Handle and Drive Cover.Figure 135. Running Gear, Propulsion - Clutch Handle and Drive Cover. - ContinuedDIFFERENTIAL ASSEMBLY, REAR AXLEFigure 136. Differential Assembly, Rear Axle.Figure 136. Differential Assembly, Rear Axle. - ContinuedPROPULSION SYSTEM CONTROL BOXFigure 137. Propulsion System Control Box.Figure 137. Propulsion System Control Box. - ContinuedUPPER TRAY ASSEMBLYFigure 138. Upper Tray Assembly.Figure 138. Upper Tray Assembly. - ContinuedPWR-TRON 350, 28 VOLT SPEED CONTROLLERFigure 139. PWR-TRON 350, 28 Volt Speed Controller.Figure 139. PWR-TRON 350, 28 Volt Speed Controller. - ContinuedHARNESS ASSEMBLY, UPPER TRAYFigure 140. Harness Assembly, Upper Tray.Figure 140. Harness Assembly, Upper Tray. - ContinuedSPECIAL TOOLS, TEST AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENTFigure 141. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment (Sheet 1 of 13).Figure 141. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment (Sheet 2 of 13).Figure 141. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment (Sheet 3 of 13).Figure 141. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment (Sheet 4 of 13).Figure 141. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment (Sheet 5 of 13).Figure 141. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment (Sheet 6 of 13).Figure 141. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment (Sheet 7 of 13).Figure 141. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment (Sheet 8 of 13).Figure 141. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment (Sheet 9 of 13).Figure 141. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment (Sheet 10 of 13).Figure 141. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment (Sheet 11 of 13).Figure 141. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment (Sheet 12 of 13).Figure 141. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment (Sheet 13 of 13).Figure 141. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment - ContinuedFigure 141. Special Tools, Test and Support Equipment - ContinuedFigure 141. 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