TM 1-1670-260-12&P
0004 00
Table 3. Damaged AH-1 and Recovery Helicopter Rigging Key to Figure 1
Figure 1
Item No.
Item Description
Blue/White 360 inches (30.0 Ft) Light Weight Sling
Box Link Assembly
Blue/White 360 inches (30.0 Ft) Light Weight Sling
Black/White 30 Ft Heavy Weight Sling
AH-1 Mast Wedge
Shackle Assembly
Black/White 30 Ft Heavy Weight Sling with Bridle
Black/White 30 Ft Heavy Weight Sling
Sling Link Assembly
Cargo Hook Thimble
b. Fold blue/white sling (3) in half.
c. Install the mid-point fold of blue/white sling (3) to the free end of box link assembly (2).
(1) Secure sling (3) to box link (2) using box link pin and quick-disconnect pin. (View B)
d. Place both eyes of blue/white sling (3) on rotor head for easy access during the shack assembly hook-up in
Paragraph 7 of this WP.
e. To prevent tail rotor blade flapping tie the lower blade from the tail rotor to the helicopter using a fixed length
tie-down (without snap hook).
Drogue Chute Installation
As determined by ground crew, a drogue chute may be
attached to the damaged helicopter to facilitate stable flight.
(1) Secure drogue chute to the tail end of tail-boom. Do not deploy drogue chute until recovery helicopter
has hovered over disabled or damaged helicopter.
7. Install Forward Main Rigging (Figures 1, 2 and 3, and Table 3)
a. Open ammunition bay doors on both sides of helicopter.
b. Basket heavy weight black/white sling (4) through the ammunition bay doors.
c. Place both eyes of sling (4) on the rotor head for easy access during shackle assembly hook-up in step f. of
this Paragraph.
d. Rig and install blade sleeve assemblies as follows: (Figure 2)
Blade sleeve assemblies are attached to each main rotor
blade. A fixed length tie-down is attached to the bottom D-
ring of each blade sleeve assembly and secured to an
appropriate airframe hard point to secure the main rotor
blades during the recovery flight.
0004 00-5