0022 00 TM 1-1670-260-12&P
a. Perform main rotor blade Sudden Stoppage inspection in accordance with TM 1-1520-237- 23.
b. Airframe Inspections - Using Aircraft Weight and Balance Record calculate the weight and center of
gravity of the aircraft at time of recovery. Plot resulting point on graph below.
U H -60A /L A irfram e Static C apability - R etrieval by U M A R K
1 0,0 00
1 2,0 00
1 4,0 00
1 6,0 00
1 8,0 00
2 0,0 00
2 2,0 00
2 4,0 00
3 40 .0
45 .0
3 50 .0
55 .0
3 60 .0
65 .0
C .G . (in .)
U H -60 A llow able - U M A R K
c. If point is below the line above no airframe inspections are required.
d. If point is above the line perform the following airframe inspections:
(1) Inspect cabin area for cracks, permanent deformation, and loose or missing fasteners in the
following areas:
(1.1) Frame at Station 327.115
(1.2) Beams at Buttline 16.5 from Station 308.0 to Station 343.5
(1.3) Forward absorber supports from Station 308.0 to 327.115
(2) The following empennages are inspected for cracks, permanent deformation, and loose or
missing fasteners:
(2.1) Lower deck caps, webs, and panel breakers
(2.2) Side skins, lower to upper shear deck
(2.3) Stringers, lower to upper shear deck
(2.4) Forward spar, lower to upper shear deck
(2.5) Fold bulkhead tensio n joints and associated hardware
0022 00-14