0019 00
TM 1-1670-260-12&P
d. Install two red/white slings (3 and 4), View A, for use as back-up slings as follows:
(1) Position the mid-point of a red/white sling (3) over the forward main rotor blade retention assembly
adjacent to the main rotor mast.
(2) Loop the red/white sling (3) under the forward main rotor yoke assembly (View C).
Ensure that the red/white sling (3 or 4) does not cross
itself at any point.
(3) Bring the red/white sling (3) eyes together, and set aside.
(4) Repeat steps (1) through (3) above for installation of the aft red/white sling (4).
(5) Carefully lay both red/white sling eyes (3 and 4) on the helicopter for easy access during the shackle
assembly hook-up in step f. of this Paragraph.
e. Rig and install blade sleeve assemblies as follows: (Figure 2)
Blade sleeve assemblies are attached to each main rotor
blade. An adjustable length tie-down is attached between
the sleeve assemblies top D-rings and attached to the
shackle assembly during the recovery hook-up procedure.
A fixed length tie-down is attached to the bottom D-ring of
each blade sleeve assembly and secured to an appropriate
airframe hard point to secure the main rotor blades during
the recovery flight.
(1) Orient the blade sleeve assembly (View A) so that the markings saying TOP on both the blade sleeve
bag and straps are facing down.
(2) Fold both left and right edges of the blade sleeve bag inward until the matching loop/hook closures
are engaged.
(3) Assemble the blade sleeve pole. (View B)
(4) Open bag pocket number two on the blade sleeve bag (View A) by separating the loop/hook
(5) With one hand, take hold of blade sleeve bags left side blade sleeve tab and left side blue lifting tab.
(6) With other hand, take hold of blade sleeve bags right side blade sleeve tab and right side blue lifting
(7) Rotate the blade sleeve assembly so that the TOP markings are now facing up.
(8) Orient the blade sleeve open bag pocket so that it is facing away from the operator holding the lifting
(9) Place the blade sleeve assembly lifting tabs from the bag and strap that are held in the left hand onto
Position 1 of the blade sleeve pole. (View B)
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