0017 00
TM 1-1670-260-12&P
Table 3. Damaged OH-58D and Recovery Helicopter Rigging Key to Figure 1
Figure 1
Item No.
Item Description
Green/White 150 Inch (12.5 Ft) Light Weight Sling
Box Link Assembly
Green/White 150 Inch (12.5 Ft) Light Weight Sling
Box Link Assembly
Black/White 120 inches (10 Ft) Light Weight Sling
Blue/White 360 inches (30.0 Ft) Light Weight Sling
Blue/White 360 inches (30.0 Ft) Light Weight Sling
Shackle Assembly
Black/White 30 Ft Heavy Weight Sling
Sling Link Assembly
Black/White 30 Ft Heavy Weight Sling with Bridle
Sling Link Assembly
Black/White 30 Ft Heavy Weight Sling
Cargo Hook Thimble
7. Install Forward Main Rigging (Figures 1, 2 and 3, and Table 3)
a. Remove the pilot and co-pilot doors, and remove the left and right cargo compartment doors.
b. Basket a blue/white sling (6) through the pilots door opening and out the cargo door that is on the same side
of the helicopter.
c. Basket a second blue/white sling (7) through the co-pilots door opening and out the cargo door that is on the
same side of the helicopter.
d. Separately lay both eyes of slings (6) and (7) on the rotor head for easy access during shackle assembly
hook-up in step f. of this Paragraph.
e. Rig and install blade sleeve assemblies as follows: (Figure 2)
Blade sleeve assemblies are attached to each main rotor
blade. A fixed length tie-down is attached to the bottom D-
ring of each blade sleeve assembly and secured to an
appropriate airframe hard point to secure the main rotor
blades during the recovery flight.
(1) Orient the blade sleeve assembly (View A) so that the markings saying TOP on both the blade sleeve
bag and straps are facing down.
(2) Fold both left and right edges of the blade sleeve bag inward until the matching loop/hook closures
are engaged.
(3) Assemble the blade sleeve pole. (View B)
(4) Open bag pocket number one on the blade sleeve bag (View A) by separating the loop/hook
(5) With one hand, take hold of blade sleeve bags left side blade sleeve tab and left side blue lifting tab.
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