0009 00
TM 1-1670-260-12&P
Figure 4. Rigging Shackle Assembly
(4) Install free sling eye from yellow/white sling at the 10 oclock position blade retention assembly onto
the clevis part of the shackle assembly.
(5) Place free sling eye from yellow/white sling attached to the 8 oclock position blade retention
assembly onto the clevis part of the shackle assembly.
(6) Place the midpoint of both adjustable length tie-down slings attached to the topside of the blade
sleeves onto the clevis part of the shackle assembly.
Ensure that the sling spacer is installed when the
shackle assembly is assembled.
(7) Place double eye end of heavy weight black/white sling (11), Figure 1, View A, to shackle assembly
(Figure 4) and secure shackle assembly as follows:
(a) Insert sling spacer from shackle assembly into the double eye end opening of heavy weight
black/white sling.
(b) Align the holes in the shackle assembly clevis with hole in sling spacer.
(c) Once holes are aligned, insert clevis pin through holes in shackle assembly clevis and sling spacer.
(d) Insert quick-release pin through hole in base of the clevis pin to secure the clevis pin in the clevis.
h. Carefully lay the rigged shackle assembly on the crossbar assembly with the sling spacer facing up, and move
sling to the side that the recovery helicopter will approach from for easy access during the recovery helicopter
hook-up procedure covered in Paragraph 10 of this WP.
0009 00-10