TM 1-1500-204-23-5
Drycleaning solvent is flammable and
solvent vapors are toxic. Use P-D-680, Type
II Solvent in a well-ventilated area. Keep
away from open flames. Avoid prolonged
solvent contact with skin.
(b) Remove all external corrosion
preventive compound from gearbox with drycleaning
solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680.
(c) Flush gear box by filling with proper
lubricant and draining. After flushing, refill with proper
lubricant as specified in applicable maintenance manual.
b. Freewheeling Units. The freewheeling coupling
provides for autorotative capabilities by automatically
disconnecting the rotor system from the engine when the
engine stops or slows below the equivalent of rotor rpm.
When the engine is disconnected from the rotor system
through the automatic action of the freewheeling coupling,
the transmission continues to rotate with the main rotor
thereby enabling the tail rotor to continue turning at its
normal rate. This permits the pilot to maintain directional
control during autorotation. Replace any parts that show
evidence of failure or excessive wear. Check for proper
operation prior to each flight as specified in the inspection
requirements of the applicable maintenance manual.
c. Deleted.
d Rotor Brakes. Replace and repair rotor brakes in
accordance with the applicable maintenance manual.
e. Drive Shafting. Maintenance for drive shaft
components is explained in the following paragraphs.
(1) Drive shafts. Replace bent, cracked,
broken, or excessively scored or scratched drive shafts as
outlined in the applicable maintenance manual.
(2) Bearings. Replace bearings as outlined in
the applicable maintenance manual.
(3) Couplings. Replace deteriorated or
maintenance manual.
(4) Overspeed, sudden reduction in speed, or
sudden stoppage. Replace or inspect parts as specified
maintenance manual.
(5) Lubrication. Lubricate universal joints, slip
joints, and drive shaft bearings according to requirements
given in the lubrication chart of applicable maintenance
(6) Alignment. Align all drive shafting as
outlined in the applicable maintenance manual.
45. Cleaning of Powertrain Components . Powertrain
component cleaning is described in the following
Drycleaning solvent is flammable and
solvent vapors are toxic. Use P-D-680,
Type II Solvent in a well-ventilated area.
Keep away from open flames. Avoid
prolonged solvent contact with skin.
a Gearboxes. The oil system shall be drained and
flushed with clean oil as specified in the applicable
maintenance manual.
b. Oil Lines. Lines that cannot be cleaned while
installed shall be removed for cleaning. Flush oil lines
with specified operating oil.
c. Oil Filters. Oil filters shall be removed and
cleaned with drycleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-
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